My Children’s Imaginary Hair Salon Won’t Last Forever, But I’m Glad It’s Still Around

My Children’s Imaginary Hair Salon Won’t Last Forever, But I’m Glad It’s Still Around

The early years of parenting are filled with weird activities like frequenting pretend restaurants, building dollhouses out of cardboard and driving them to the playground, and conducting stuffed animal puppet shows in the dark. It can feel like these things are forever while you’re wrapped up in them, but slowly they begin to slip away.

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A Return Visit to the Fall (Wait...Winter) Fair

A Return Visit to the Fall (Wait...Winter) Fair

I did it again. I took my children to the local fair last weekend.

I’m sure you’re probably asking, “Andrew, why?” And also, “Didn’t you say the local fair was during the fall?” Or, “What are you talking about?”

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I Write About My Children Because My Memory Is So Unreliable

I Write About My Children Because My Memory Is So Unreliable

I know she won’t remember it when she’s grown, and I likely won’t either, but right now, in this moment in time, my daughter thinks I’m the funniest person in the world. Now, her brothers or her mom might argue this point, but this is my story and I am the ultimate judge.

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My Children’s Stubborn Commitment to Ritual Can Be Frustrating, But I Admire Their Resolve

My Children’s Stubborn Commitment to Ritual Can Be Frustrating, But I Admire Their Resolve

Recently my 3-year-old daughter asked me to play a game with her. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse — literally, she was holding me hostage — so we went into her brother’s rooms because that’s where we keep the board games scattered around on the floor.

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The Rock

The Rock

There’s this game my two sons love to play every time they get out of the shower or bath. And, to be clear, I am using “game” in the loosest most 3- and 5-year-old sense of the word. Parental torture activity is another term I could use. I’m not sure when or how it started exactly, but as is often the case with kids, it quickly became an indispensable ritual.

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Fun Games to Play with Your Little Kids When It’s Cold Outside or Rainy or You’ve Given Up or Whatever

Fun Games to Play with Your Little Kids When It’s Cold Outside or Rainy or You’ve Given Up or Whatever

It’s winter. I heard there was a huge snow storm in a bunch of places around the country. I assume that when it’s really snowy and cold out, it’s probably pretty difficult to go outside. If you have preschoolers or toddlers and you are trapped in your house, I’m sorry. That must be terrible. It rained here for about four hours in the morning last week and I seriously thought about moving. Then I thought, no, that won’t work, the kids will just unpack all the boxes right after I pack them. And they might shove me into one of the boxes and tape me up inside. Then I thought, wait, that doesn’t sound so bad actually…but no, they'd probably get inside the box with me, tape us all up together somehow, and we’d be stuck in there forever.

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