Can’t Miss Sights and Activities in London or Random Things We Did with Our Kids?

Can’t Miss Sights and Activities in London or Random Things We Did with Our Kids?

There is no shortage of lists of must-see sights in London on the internet. Different sources have different opinions on what you have to see, but I’m pretty certain all the lists have at least one item in common: The McDonald’s Across from King’s Cross and St. Pancras Train Stations. For that and more must-see destinations or random things we did with our kids in London, read on!

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The Rocking Chair

The Rocking Chair

Our middle child, Bennett, is turning three this week and I’ve been thinking a lot about the rocking chair in his bedroom. We got it from a friend a few years ago and though it was like new at the time, it is starting to show its age. The fabric is worn in some spots and it has plenty of stains, but, most importantly, it holds a lot of memories.

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Some of My Two-Year-Old's Favorite Activities

Favorite Activity #9

  1. Opening doors by himself
  2. Pressing elevator buttons
  3. Getting his way
  4. Sitting on my head
  5. Wandering around in restaurants
  6. Opening and closing the garage door 
  7. Getting a water cup at Panera by himself; having me lift him up to fill the cup with water by himself; getting a top and straw by himself; repeating 17 times
  8. Threatening to put his older brother in timeout
  9. Feeling the baby
  10. Having a relatively loose definition of "by himself"
  11. Climbing on my back to "giddy up horsey" anytime I kneel, crouch, or lie face down for some reason
  12. Depending on the day and week, watching either Robots, Inside Out, or The Cat in the Hat at least three times a day
  13. Saying no
  14. Running “super fast”
  15. Marching with yogurt 
  16. Waving goodbye to any car that leaves our property
  17. Jumping on me when I'm sleeping
  18. Browsing through iPhone photo galleries
  19. Walking up and down steps in the swimming pool
  20. Walking up and down steps in general
  21. Microwaving his food because it's too hot
  22. Serving as de facto dictator of our household

Nothing Gets Me Pumped Like a Good Haircut

Nothing Gets Me Pumped Like a Good Haircut

Nothing quite compares to that moment when my haircut is just complete and my classic 2-3-4-5 clipper guard smooth fade has achieved that unparalleled state of perfection. There I am, standing in front of my bathroom mirror, electric clippers in hand, tiny pieces of hair sticking to my shoulders, tufts of curly hair littering the bathroom floor, and I’m like, “Andrew, you did it again. Nailed it.” 

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#BigBen Strikes One

Few things in life are quite as ridiculous as birthday parties for 1-year-olds. Think about it. Besides weddings, where else is a central protagonist of a celebratory event more irrelevant or overlooked? Nowhere. Grooms and 1-year-olds, that’s the list.

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Hitting the Snooze Button on #BigBen

In honor of B’s birthday week, welcome to another installment of our new favorite series: Things B Does That Annoy Us. Just kidding! It’s definitely nothing personal; any parents out there who have had a difficult sleeper will understand the struggle. For those of you who don’t have or have never had a B, go back to watching The Bachelor on TV while eating bon-bons or whatever it is you do at night.

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With our little guy’s first birthday fast approaching, I figured it was about time to shout him out on the old blog. Being the younger sibling can be hard; it’s definitely difficult to claim your fair share of the spotlight when yourolder brother often writes, directs, and stars in the screenplay that is our life.

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Shock and Awww!

ORLANDO – More often than not, real life stories don’t come neatly packaged with storybook endings. A moment’s hesitation can undo hours of preparation. In the blink of an eye, all can be lost. This afternoon at CFE Arena on the campus of the University of Central Florida, #BigBen went toe-to-toe with reality, and reality won out, in stunning fashion.

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