My Little Flock Flies in Formation

My Little Flock Flies in Formation

It was a strange winter break in the Knott household for several reasons I can’t really get into on the internet. There was the pandemic, of course, that limited our normal holiday festivities, but more unexpected events made the two weeks off school even more unusual.

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My Children Won't Be Returning to School in 2020

My Children Won't Be Returning to School in 2020

This pandemic is impossible for everyone, but I’m starting to believe the only way to maintain some semblance of sanity is to change our timelines and expectations. Living week to week or month to month is exhausting.

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A Night of Family Fun at Universal Studios

A Night of Family Fun at Universal Studios

When I was approached by Life of Dad with the opportunity to represent them at the special Undercover Tourist Family Fun Fest event at Universal Studios, I snatched it up faster than Harry Potter grabbing the snitch.

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A Very Frozen Florida Christmas

A Very Frozen Florida Christmas

There are lots of ways to celebrate Christmas and it’s typically difficult to determine if any one is better than another. There is one exception.

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The Upside of Sick Days

The Upside of Sick Days

Last week was quite the week around these parts. It started Wednesday when my first grader started running a fever and had to stay home from school. Even though my youngest child is still at home all the time, adding another child to the daytime mix is an adjustment.

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Tell Us What You Did This Summer

Tell Us What You Did This Summer

If I had to stand up in front of the class and tell everyone what we did this summer—and thankfully I don’t have to do that—this is what I would say.

We did a little bit of everything and a little bit of nothing.

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Did We Start the Fire or Not? (First Concert Memories)

Did We Start the Fire or Not? (First Concert Memories)

I went to my first concert in July 1990 when I was nine years old. For those of you who know me, it might come as a surprise that I was so young. However, the concert was Billy Joel, so now it probably makes more sense. 

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Fulfilling Our Destiny: A Solo Road Trip with Children

Fulfilling Our Destiny: A Solo Road Trip with Children

I recently took my three kids (ages six, four, and two) on a road trip from Florida to North Carolina without my wife because I am a crazy person. A funny thing happened, though; it turned out okay. Maybe I’m not so crazy after all (nope, my wife has confirmed that I’m still crazy).

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Eight Years of Tired

Eight Years of Tired

Today is my wedding anniversary. It is also my wife's wedding anniversary. It's ours. Together.

I swear. For the life of me I couldn't come up with a way to phrase that more succinctly. "My wife and my anniversary?" Sounds weird.

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Family Dinner or Wild Bachelor Party?

Family Dinner or Wild Bachelor Party?

When you have three little kids, family dinner is a much better idea in theory than in practice.

Perhaps we’re just doing it wrong and we have no control over our children—I am more than certain this is what the internet will think—but our family dinners tend to be more wild bachelor party and less Leave It To Beaver.

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The Power of Siblings

The Power of Siblings

As I watched my three children — ages five, three, and one — play with and around each other in our living room on a sleepy summer afternoon, I thought about the central role sibling relationships play in imprinting indelible aspects of our selves. These relationships, our earliest and most visceral, shape how we place ourselves in the world, both in the present and future.

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Sometimes Long-Distance Relationships Work: An IRL Anniversary

Sometimes Long-Distance Relationships Work: An IRL Anniversary

My wife and I met for the first time in person on this day nine years ago. However, we met online several months before that on Facebook (thanks Mark Zuckerber).

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Finding Nirvana Through Carvana

Finding Nirvana Through Carvana

It was an ordinary evening in small-town Americana when the car arrived. The pre-twilight air was damp and heavy after the rains. The sun was just dropping below the trees in the west when the truck, carrying a resplendent blue Buick sedan, pulled up in front of the house.

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A Quick Note to My Sons on This Mother’s Day

A Quick Note to My Sons on This Mother’s Day

Boys, come over here real quick. I need to tell you something important. Seriously, you can take a break from watching Octonauts and parachuting off the stacks of couch cushions and arguing about pieces of foam for just a minute. That’s all the time I need, one minute. I need to tell you something about your mom.

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