Fatherhood: Dispatches From the Early Years
/It’s finally here: July 12 aka Launch Day!!!
Try to contain your excitement because we have a lot work to do. I will be brief here because you have probably heard enough about this whole book thing. I am certainly tired of it. Wait…am I good at marketing?
I know, at least to me, the world feels pretty much like this right now…
But I don’t know what else to do, so I’m going to try to keep spreading love. And at its core, this is a book about love.
And you know what July 12 also is??
Prime Day at Amazon!!!
So, this is really all coming together. Prime Day is the perfect opportunity to…
And while you’re doing that, you might as well buy the book too.
Anyway, here is the game plan for today:
Step 1: Share this post or links to the book on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Li.st, Google Plus, Snapchat, Instagram, and any other social media platforms I don’t know about.
Step 2: Find the book online (and buy it if you want). Just admiring it on the webpage is also acceptable.
Barnes and Noble
Step 3: If you decide to buy the book, I guess you might as well read it. I’m not sure exactly what you will think of it, but limited market research suggests that you likely will react as follows…
Step 4: Consider leaving an honest (and glowing) review. Just kidding, you can make stuff up if you want. Leave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, the chalkboard at your local coffee shop, and anywhere else you can think of. (You might notice that someone already got us off to a rip roaring start on Amazon.)
Step 5: Tell your friends. This is particularly important if you are friends with anyone who is related to me.
Step 6: I can’t think of any additional steps. So here are pictures of a goat and some adorable children to get us all motivated.
A Goat (Photo Credit: Fineas Anton, Unpslash.com)
Adorable Kids (Photo Credit: Michelle C Photography)
And ready…break!
Thank you for your support!