CRASSH Conference: New Media and Alternative Politics in the Middle East and Africa

As I mentioned previously, I had the opportunity to attend the conference hosted by CRASSH at Cambridge this week, which explored the growing role of new media and its uses in alternative politics.  Just a note, CRASSH is but one organization that makes up the alphabet soup of organizations at Cambridge and this particular acronym stands for Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (just noticed that they don’t use the serial comma in their organization name…which, while apparently a strong trend in written English language, never ceases to anger me…also, I’m thinking of giving the old blog an acronym to fit in better with my new surroundings…I’m thinking of KJAB or EOA or KJAB:EOA…yes, I know, I crammed a lot of stuff inside these parentheses). 

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The Highly Overwhelmed and Fish Out of Water Edition

So, if you ever get the urge to have yourself knocked down a few pegs…or better yet feel the need to make your life up to the current point seem like an exercise in mediocrity and boredom…I suggest that you sit in on an introductory session at a Cambridge graduate program (Development Studies, for example).  Of course, not everyone there has done extraordinary things (like live and work in Japan or Ghana, help prevent human trafficking in the US and Haiti, start and run a non-profit, or clerk at the UN), but many have and those are the ones that stick out.  Add on top of that the ones that previously studied at Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Johns Hopkins (or some combination of those) and you have quite the intimidating crowd.  Not to mention that 95% of the people in the room are younger than you…some significantly so.

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Taking over England (or wherever): Part III and Photo Blog 4 –The Queen’s College Edition

Taking over England (or wherever): Part III and Photo Blog 4 –The Queen’s College Edition

So, some huge news today…we bought bikes!  Turns out that this was pretty much a must have purchase as seemingly everyone here has them.  The bike shop said we should be able to pick up our new babies next weekend.  Because we bought the “student specials,” which were the only bikes that were remotely reasonable in price, there was a bit of a wait.  Safe to say in Cambridge that it’s definitely a seller’s market for bicycles!  Putting that aside, we’re very excited about cutting down our commute time to the city centre from 20 minutes (walking) to like 5 minutes biking.  While I was never particularly adept at cycling and I haven’t been on a bike in like 15 years…I plan on riding fast, because that’s how I roll.

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Taking over England (or wherever): Part II and Photo Blog 3 – Out and About and the King’s College Edition

Taking over England (or wherever): Part II and Photo Blog 3 – Out and About and the King’s College Edition

So we’ve had a chance to get out and check out some of the sights of Cambridge the past few days.  Since we arrived on Wednesday, we’ve had alternating weather days…rainy on Wednesday, sunny on Thursday, rainy on Friday, and sunny (for the most part) on Saturday.  Temperature has stayed in the high 50’s to low 60’s during the day…very pleasant when the sun is out.

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Weekend Preview

-  Thursday was my last day of work.  It’s kind of nice to have those obligations out of the way so I can move on to the next chapter.  However, it was certainly more than a bit bittersweet leaving the lab on the last day.  It’s basically 3+ years of my life in the books and one thing’s for sure…I’m pretty much lost without my routines and familiar patterns.  Hence, while moving to a new country might not seem like much to some of you (on second thought…would it not be a big deal to anyone?), for me it’s a particularly monumental endeavor.  Anyway, I’m trying not to think too much about it until Tuesday.

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My Life and Work Philosophy (or lack thereof)

Ok, so I think we’ve come a long way on this blog since its inception nearly two months ago.  By now, you readers are way more hip for sure and your awesomeness has certainly increased simply by association.  In addition, you should now possess at least a rudimentary knowledge of a bizarre mix of interesting topics from Lady Gaga to Rwanda (On that note…did you catch the VMA’s last weekend? That is perhaps my favorite night on the calendar every year that does not involve a sporting event).

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